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Hyosungitx will take initiative share to better lives.

Ethical management

  • Compliance with laws and regulations
    Compliance with laws and regulations

    One must steadfastly abide by laws and company regulations.

  • Respect for customers
    Respect for customers

    The company exists to provide values for the customers.

  • Shareholder-oriented business
    Shareholder-oriented business

    The shareholders are the true owners of the company, and the trust from shareholders is absolute.

  • Respect for fellow employees
    Respect for fellow employees

    Each and every member of the executives and staff are a valuable asset for the company.

  • Socially-responsible business
    Socially-responsible business

    The company needs to grow in harmony with society.

Code of Conduct

Compliance with laws and regulations
We strictly comply with laws and company regulations
  • We respect the national laws and comply with all regulations and socially defined norms of conduct.
  • We strictly comply with the company’s business policies and regulations and fulfill our responsibilities and duties.
  • We regularly create jobs by earning honest business profits and earnestly fulfilling our basic roles as members of our society.
Respect for customers
A company exists to offer the value that can satisfy customers
  • Gaining the trust of our customers is our most important priority.
  • We provide distinguished quality and service that can satisfy the needs of our customers.
  • We strive to establish transparent and fair business practices with our customers and develop healthy partnerships.
Shareholder-oriented business
A company exists to offer the value that can satisfy customers
  • We increase the profits for our shareholders and investors by creating value with better performance.
  • We conduct business logically and transparently to gain the trust of both our shareholders and investors.
  • We respect the rights of our shareholders and investors and offer them all the necessary information at the appropriate time to realize profits with integrity.
Respect for fellow employees
Each of the employees is the most important asset of the company
  • We mutually respect the character of each of our fellow employees and establish a sensible corporate culture based on mutual trust and understanding.
  • We create a comfortable workplace where individuals can openly express their creativity and can enjoy their work.
  • We do not discriminate based on unreasonable grounds, such as educational background, place of birth, gender, age, or religion.
Socially-responsible business
A company is a memeber of society and must achieve harmony with society to grow
  • We fulfill all of the responsibilities and duties as a member of society as well as striving to achieve mutual prosperity and progress through social contribution efforts.
  • We aim to be an environmentally-friendly company and to be a company respected in the community.

Guidelines of Code of Conduct

Compliance with laws and regulations
Compliance with national policies and laws
  • We respect the national laws and do not engage in unlawful or illegal activities.
  • We compete with our competitors in good faith, based on our products and services, when conducting sales; we do not engage in unfair competitive practices.
  • We do not obtain information by unethical means or violate pertinent laws.
  • We respect the laws and social order of that country when we conduct business in foreign locations and make sure that there are no setbacks in the company’s business plans.
Compliance with company regulations and basic morals respecting the company
  • We share the company’s business ideologies and goals, comply with the company’s various regulations and take accountability and ownership of the work to complete it quickly and appropriately with all our competence.
  • We put the company’s profit above our personal priorities when completing our work and we do so objectively and logically.
  • We do not work for companies that are in conflict of interest with our own interests and do not establish any form of special relationships with the other company.
  • We strictly protect the company’s classified or essential information; we send important information immediately to the person that needs it and we do not distort the information or make false statements.
Respect for Customers
Business with our customers
  • We put customer satisfaction as our first priority, strive to offer the best quality products and services and faithfully keep our promises with our customers.
  • We respect our customers during business negotiations and make sure that the transactions can be conducted in an equitable and reasonable manner.
  • We do not take advantage of our privileged position, ask for unjust compensation, or make any unfair requests.
  • We do not hide information or display false/exaggerated advertisements. Moreover, we frankly offer all the information that customers need to know.
Partnership with Suppliers
  • We maintain mutual trust and respect with our suppliers and pursue higher value and progress in partnership.
  • We grant fair opportunities when bidding or signing a contract. Moreover, we sign contracts in an equitable and reasonable manner.
  • We find and promote our best suppliers and maintain a constructive relationship.
Shareholder-oriented business
Protection of the profits of shareholders and investors
  • We do our best to create profits with integrity through efficient business practices and add value through making reasonable investments.
  • We maintain honest and accurate records of our financial situation following proper and transparent accounting standards.
  • We do not engage in unfair trading of stocks using company’s inside information for our own or others’ benefits.
Protection of the shareholders’ right to know
  • We offer shareholders and investors any trustworthy and useful information that might be necessary regarding the entire business process at the appropriate time in order to realize profits with integrity.
  • We work so that our company can be adequately evaluated through active public and investor relations activities.
Respect for fellow employees
Respect for fellow employees
  • We respect the character of each of our fellow employees, encourage creative and autonomous actions and offer support and opportunities for further learning for the development of our staff’s competencies.
  • We grant fair opportunities to all employees and assess them justly based on their work and competence.
  • We do not discriminate anyone based on gender, religion, age, regional or educational background in the hiring, working, or promoting procedures.
Establishing a positive corporate culture
  • We do not engage in gambling or other immoral actions with other employees; we do not engage in extortion, inappropriate monetary loans or joint liabilities on guarantees.
  • We do not engage in verbal or physical/visual demeanors that might be repulsive to other employees and respect each other’s privacy.
  • We do not discriminate or give preferential treatment to any person or group based on unreasonable grounds, such as regional, family, or educational backgrounds, religion, or gender. Also, we do not make solicitations that can negatively affect other fellow employees.
  • We create an active, driven and creative corporate culture to achieve our common goals as members of the company and do not behave in egotistical ways or manners that can aggravate unnecessary conflict.
Socially-responsible business
Contribution for social development
  • We respect the values and traditions of the local communities in the country and abroad where we conduct our businesses, continue to create jobs and fulfill all of the responsibilities and duties as members of the community.
  • We set good examples as members of society by fulfilling and offering support for social contributions and other needs.
  • We protect the environment and actively participate in the environmental protection endeavors in the local communities.
Respectable social conduct
  • We do not behave in any way that might damage the dignity of the company; refrain from unsound personal matters and be strict in self-discipline.
  • We do not use our position in the company to engage in political actions that can benefit certain political parties or social.