Hyosungitx will take initiative share to better lives.
Digital Transformation leader
Hyosungitx will take initiative share to better lives.
To spread the philosophy of sharing, the executives and staff of Hyosung ITX are getting together
for a healthy society, a world where the company and society coexist.
Assisting with cultural activities aimed at the lower-income, disadvantaged classes and for multi-cultural households.
Through the Nanum (Sharing in Korean) Volunteer Group, human and material assistance to the disadvantaged classes of local society.
Delivery of health-food kit to inhabitants of the Yeongdeungpo dosshouses
In celebration of the Disabled Day, delivery of box lunches to the welfare centers for the disabled,
To help pass the winter in warmth, the giving of coal briquettes and kerosene oil to families living
Giving of infant products to the infants of Cheongwoon Orphanage
Volunteer work in the form of helping with the harvest of food plants within the Employment and Reha
In preparation for the winter season, the giving of kimchi to the disadvantaged classes of the area
Sponsoring the Good Tree Regional Children’s Center performance
Volunteering at the Thomas soup kitchen of Yeongdeungpo-gu
Giving of goods for the passing of summer to the low-income elderly of Yeongdeungpo-gu Elderly Welfa
Cleaning volunteering at the Good Tree Regional Children’s Center and the giving of clothes for the
Volunteering in cleanup and flower-planting at the Dorimcheon Stream of Yeongdeungpo-gu
Visiting the Lotte World Aquarium with those with developmental disorders of the More Dreams Center
Concluding of the sisterhood relationship with the ROK Army’s 27th Infantry Division