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Investment Information

The company that elevates shareholder values and protects social values.


Real-time market price

Based on Jan. 24, 2025

Stocks Information

효성ITX 094280
  • Current price 11,980
  • compared to previous day 50
  • exchange volume 4,361
  • trade cost 52,123,850

(Unit : KRW)

Stocks Information
Market price 11,950
High price 11,980
Low price 11,920
PER (Price-Earnings Ratio) 9.77
No. of listed shares 11,558,200
Stocks Information
Upper limit price 15,500
Lower limit price 8,360
Face value 500
Highest for 52 weeks (Closings) 17,000
Lowest for 52 weeks (Closings) 11,810

(Unit : KRW)

Asking price
Sales residuals asking price Residual buying volume
103 12,040
23 12,030
2,055 12,010
164 12,000
52 11,990
11,980 148
11,960 46
11,950 126
11,940 7
11,930 535

(Unit : KRW)

손가락 좌우로 이동
Trading price according to time
Time Closing price Compared to previous day Nominal price for sale Buying price Concluded amount
15:30:00 11,980 50 11,990 11,980 60
15:18:40 11,980 50 11,990 11,980 101
15:17:20 11,960 30 11,980 11,960 16
15:14:50 11,960 30 11,980 11,960 9
15:10:40 11,960 30 11,980 11,960 14
15:10:10 11,960 30 11,980 11,960 1
15:10:00 11,980 50 11,980 11,960 25
15:09:50 11,980 50 11,980 11,960 25
15:09:10 11,960 30 11,980 11,960 6
15:05:40 11,970 40 11,980 11,970 4

(Unit : KRW)

Transaction according to member companies
Highest sales
Stock trading firm Exchange volume
MRASDW 1,085
Samsung Securities C 642
Kiwoom.com Securitie 579
HanaFI 501
Korea Investment & S 366
Transaction according to member companies
Highest buyings
Stock trading firm Exchange volume
MRASDW 1,165
Samsung Securities C 794
YSK 600
Kiwoom.com Securitie 504
HanaFI 470

(Unit : KRW)

손가락 좌우로 이동
Market price according to date
Date Closing price Compared to previous day Market price High price Low price Exchange volume Transaction price
25/01/24 11,980 50 11,950 11,980 11,920 4,361 52,123,850
25/01/23 11,930 10 11,990 11,990 11,870 6,303 75,008,880
25/01/22 11,920 0 11,930 11,990 11,890 5,383 64,158,210
25/01/21 11,920 10 11,920 11,950 11,810 10,908 129,525,080
25/01/20 11,910 20 12,030 12,030 11,900 11,077 132,102,110
25/01/17 11,930 60 11,980 12,100 11,900 20,605 246,107,910
25/01/16 11,990 10 11,980 12,050 11,980 2,026 24,296,420
25/01/15 11,980 60 12,060 12,090 11,970 4,472 53,723,410
25/01/14 12,040 80 11,960 12,080 11,910 4,894 58,687,260
25/01/13 11,960 70 12,130 12,130 11,920 12,656 151,423,290